Irrigation New Zealand

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IrrigationNZ additional feedback on the National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water (NES-DW) - June 2024

Irrigation New Zealand Additional Submission Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill - June 2024

Irrigation New Zealand Additional Submission to Assist the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation - June 2024

IrrigationNZ Submission on Phase 1 for the Science System Advisory Group - May 2024

IrrigationNZ Submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill - April 2024

IrrigationNZ Submission TDC Dangerous Dams Policy - April 2024 

IrrigationNZ Submission WRC Dangerous Dams Policy

Dam Safety Regulations - Targeted Consultation IrrigationNZ - Feb 2024


Irrigation New Zealand Submission to assist the proposed inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding. - November 2023 

IrrigationNZ Submission on potential amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) - October 2023 

IrrigationNZ submission on Strengthening the Resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand's Critical Infrastructure System - August 2023

IrrigationNZ submission on StatsNZ 2024 Agricultural Production Survey - August 2023

IrrigationNZ submission on the Water Services Entities Amendment Bill June 2023 

IrrigationNZ Submission on NBEB - February 2023 

Irrigation New Zealand submission on He Ārahitanga mō Te Anga Whāinga ā-Motu o te NPS-FM / Guidance on the National Objectives Framework of the NPS-FM; Published: 29 July 2022 2nd - February 2023


IrrigationNZ Submission on Government Consultation Document on Pricing Agricultural Emissions - November 2022 

IrrigationNZ Submission on the draft Long-Term Insights Briefing - October 2022

Submission to Greater Wellington Regional Council on Regional Policy Statement Proposed  Changed 1 - September 2022

Submission on StatsNZ 2023 Agricultural Production Survey - August 2022

Submission to MfE on National Adaption Plan: Adapt and thrive: Building a climate-resilient New Zealand, Ministry for the Environment, 2022 - June 2022

Letter to MBIE on the Research, Science and Innovation Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways Green Paper 2021 - April 2022

Submission on Financial Markets Authority review of the Irrigation Schemes exemptions for disclosure - April 2022

Submission on proposed changes to the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water) - March 2022


Submission on New Zealand’s first Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) - November 2021 

Submission on Managing our Wetlands: A Discussion Document on Proposed Changes to the Wetland Regulations - October 2021 

Farm Environment Plan Submission September 2021 

Submission Summary - Agricultural Production Census 2022 

Submission Summary - Energy Efficient Products and Services: A Regulatory Reform Discussion Document 

Submission on Exposure Draft of the Natural and Built Environments Bill July 2021 

IrrigationNZ Climate Change Commission Submission March 2021

Water Services Bill 2020 - Submission to Health Committee 

IrrigationNZ Election Manifesto 2020

Action for Healthy Waterways IrrigationNZ final submission

Dam Safety Review submission