Irrigation New Zealand

Application Process

Water Measurement encompasses the four services of Data Management, Open Channel, Installation, and Verification

The latter two, Installation and Verification, require at least one person within a company to hold the unit standard workbook for that specific service before applying.

For information on the Installation and Verification workbooks click here.

To apply for Blue Tick Accreditation, complete the Application Form and Service and Quality Assurance Checklist below. Forward, along with all supporting information requested, to [email protected]

Your application will be acknowledged by reply email within three working days of your submission and an electronic invoice will be issued.

Upon receipt of payment, the assessment of your application will begin. You may be contacted and asked to clarify or provide additional information during this time. As part of this process, your application will be sent to each Regulatory Authority in the regions you apply to service for feedback.

A decision will be made within three months of the assessment starting date. Should a company's application not be acceptable then any re-submission will be treated as a new application and the organisation will need to demonstrate how issues highlighted in the original application have been addressed.

Successful applicants will receive a Certificate of Accreditation valid for two years and a copy of the accreditation logo to use.

Renewal Process

Accreditation is valid for two years and you are responsible for completing a new application before the expiry of your current accreditation. Irrigation New Zealand will attempt to contact you approximately three months before expiry as a reminder.

Successful renewal applicants will receive a new certificate of accreditation valid for two years from the anniversary date of first accreditation. Failure to submit renewal paperwork on time will not extend out the renewal date and may result in cancellation of accreditation status.


Accreditation Programme Fees

Application Base Fee*

New Application $900+GST
Renewal Application $750+GST (2-yearly)

*Base fee covers application and up to three regional councils. Additional councils will require an additional fee as set out below.

Additional Fee per number of regions applied for:
1 - 3 regions $0+GST
4 - 10 regions $200+GST
11+ regions $300+GST

Installation or Verification Workbook: $795+GST each

Useful Resources

Water Measurement COP

The New Zealand Water Measurement Code Of Practice