Irrigation New Zealand

Application Process

There are two parts to your application:

  • The Application Form and Agreement: The application form requires you to fill in your organisations contact details and also provides a checklist for your application. Please ensure you accurately fill in your organisations contact details as these will be used for the register of Accredited Farm Dairy Effluent System Designers. Also, if you need more than 1 certificate for branches of your company, please list the required names. You need to sign The Accreditation Agreement attached to the form as part of your application.

Download the FDES Application Form and Agreement

  • The Designs and Quality-Assurance Checklists: The following excel document provides you with a detailed list of everything you need to submit for both Designs as well as the Quality Assurance. You will find three excel spreadsheets, one for each Design and one for the Quality Assurance. Make sure that you complete the column asking for your comments and the reference to your submitted designs, so that the assessors know where to find your answers.

Designs And Quality Assurance checklists

Renewal Process

The renewal process involves an on-site audit visit by an Assessment Panel member or appointed auditor. This will normally take place one month prior to expiry of accreditation.

The Accreditation Programme Manager will notify each accredited organisation of its accreditation renewal date three months before it expires. They will also inform the organisation of the renewal process. The accredited organisation must submit the renewal application form within one month of their accreditation expiry.

Download the FDES Renewal Application Form.

To download a detailed explanation of the renewal process click here

Accreditation Programme Fees

Application Fee: $2,500 excl. GST

Please note: To reduce cost the programme has assumed application forms will be of a high standard. The administrator reserves the right to charge an additional administration fee to cover any extra costs incurred through incorrect or incomplete applications.

Dairy NZ currently subsidises the FDES Design Accreditation programme for half of the total cost ($5000).

If you have a certified designer on your staff you are able to submit their design reports with the application. As the reports have already been assessed this reduces the cost of processing the application and we are able to offer the discounted price structure. If a company is already accredited under our Farm Dairy Effluent programme this means you have submitted a Quality Assurance System which has been assessed and approved. We therefore do not have to re-assess this component of your application and so are able to remove this cost from the application fee.

Please note that ALL applications still need to submit ALL the documentation required for an application as we need all the evidence on file for our records.

Renewal Fees

Renewal fee for a further 2 year period: $2,700 excl. GST.

The cost includes the audit process and subsequent reporting. It also reflects the on-going running costs of the accreditation programme.


An electronic invoice will be issued upon receipt of your full documentation.

Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accredited status is subject to full payment of this invoice.


For any submission, questions, or inquiries contact [email protected]