Irrigation New Zealand



IrrigationNZ supports the changes to the Dam Safety regulations announced today.

The practical approach taken by Minister Penk and the team at the Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE), is welcome and will mean about 2000 small farm dams will not be unintentionally caught up in the new regulations.

IrrigationNZ Chief Executive Vanessa Winning says “we have been working with MBIE on guidance material and support and will continue to roll this out. This change means that Dams that are exempt from a current building consent are now also exempt from the dam safety regulations, which is what we had been asking for.”

She further adds, "It's encouraging to witness the Government's responsiveness to feedback regarding the disproportionate compliance costs verse associated risks."

Ms Winning says, given there are a small number of qualified Dam Safety engineers, and the backlog of large dams awaiting assessment, this approach ensures prioritisation for structures in need of review.


For further comment contact:

IrrigationNZ Communications Manager

Ella Hunt [email protected]